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being updated with lots of helpful information. Please call back every few days to check for updates.
Welcome to our School Instrumental
Music Programs web site!
Here you will be introduced to our schools' instrumental music programs.

A high-quality music education is one of the most important things that
we can provide a child as part of an overall balanced education. Exposure to a variety of activities including instrumental
music and a Concert Band or Orchestral program all contribute to a fulfilling school experience.
This web site is a terrific way to access the information you need about the music
programs at the schools at which I teach, as well as serving as an educational resource. Whether you're currently enrolled
or just curious about what we have to offer, you're sure to find a wealth of helpful information.
My Personal Mission Statement
To provide the best possible instrumental
music tuition I am able to do within the group teaching situation.
To provide the students with the opportunity to
participate in the best possible concert band experience available taking into consideration the level of ability of all members
and number of students participating.
My Aim
Is to make the program as accessible
as possible to as many students as possible. No child should be disadvantaged for any reason should they have the desire
and ability to learn an instrument and be part of the instrumental music program.