Purchasing an Instrument

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You have several options available for purchasing your instrument.

Firstly, you can buy second hand.

Look in the weekend shopper, trading post (www.personal-tradingpost.com.au) QT, or local paper. There are some very good buys and there are also some lemons. So just be very careful. A list of my recommendations is included in the information pack available at the school office if you attend one of the schools where I teach the Instrumental Music program. If not and you would like this information please email me for a copy.

Secondly, you can rent or buy from any organisation you choose. There are some very good rental plans available. Again just be careful and read all the print and find out all the details. Tips on my recommended brands are available in the information packs.

Thirdly, you can purchase from one of my sponsors.

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Music123 in America. Purchase online. They guarentee the cheapest prices. If you like to shop online this option is a very good one even with the exchange rates, the prices are very competitive. I can guarantee you will not find a Vito Dazzler clarinet in Australia cheaper. It is better to import it directly yourself.