Instrumental Music
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General Information

Information Packs are available from each of the Schools' offices or Principals.

These packs will contain all the information that you will require, including information on rental/purchase plans, terms and conditions of enrolment and an enrolment form as well as the students very own 'Music Contract'.

Here is a brief summary of the most important details.

When are Lessons?

Instrumental Music lessons are given during school time.
What are the Lesson Details?

Lessons are of 1/2 hour duration and are given in groups. The ideal group size is between 6 - 8 students.

Where there are sufficient numbers of students on the same instrument and at the same leve, they are placed together in one group. This is the ideal situation and one that we strive for. Otherwise students of a similar standard are placed together in instrument family groups where possible e.g woodwind group or brass group etc... This is our next best option.

Where there are only a very small number of students then necessity dictates that these are placed together in one group.

This is one reason why we try to make our recruiting as successful as possible. The teaching is easier and much more effective.

Concert Band. What Do You Mean By This?

When students have attained an appropriate standard they are expected to join with the other students and form the school Concert Band.  Where they are insufficient students at a school to form a band those students are invited to attend band at another school nearby.

Whilst students are in the beginning stages they will form a beginner ensemble which will perform and practice independently from the Concert Band. Where there are sufficent beginners they will go on to form their own Junior Band which will also perform independently from the Concert Band.
This is the ideal situation as it allows the younger players to learn music that is both appropriate to their age and level of development.

The overall aim of the Instrumental Music Program is to provide the school with a Concert Band in which the students may participate and which can represent the school on various occassions such as band competitions, eisteddfods, fetes and so on.

Attendance at ALL lessons and Concert Band or Ensemble rehearsals as well as performances is expected. This is crutial to the continued motivation and enthusiasm and overall success of the student's instrumental playing.

Do We Have to Provide Our Own Instrument?

Yes. At the moment in most cases you will need to supply your own instrument. At the present stage we are working with P & F's at some schools to help with raising funds to finance the purchase of sufficient instruments to be able to assist parents and students whose budget simply does not allow for the added expense of an instrument.

You can support us with this venture by attending P & F meetings and generally voicing an opinion that supports the Music Program. If you know any one that could donate an instrument this would be appreciated or if you know a business that has a passion to support developing young musicians that could sponsor us in some way, please put them in contact.

When acquiring your instrument please be guided by the information in your information pack or follow links on this site.

Please remember: A student has a much better chance of success with a reliable instrument. There is nothing more frustrating than a beginner trying to produce a sound on an instrument that is not working. It can be the cause of much heartache and ultimately the decision to discontinue with the lessons. This is often very sad and many of these students have high potential.

What Else Will We Need?



You will need Standard of Excellence Book 1 appropriate to your choice of instrument. e.g Flute or clarinet etc...

I also highly recommend the CD's. These are a very useful tool for home practice and correct learning of the songs contained in the book.

The CD's are also very motivational and provide enjoyment at home for the student.

A music stand on which to rest the music book is also recommended to avoid injury and help maintain a good posture.

Accessories appropriate to your instrument choice eg. reeds, cleaning cloths, cork grease etc...