Instrumental Music
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These photos show how the Bands have grown and developed since 1999.


In 1999 we had to combine students together just to form one band good enough to enter into the Festival of Music.

Here they are giving a concert on the stage at St Joseph's in preparation for their performance at the Festival. It was an excellent performance.

The schools involved at that time were St Mary's, St Joseph's, Sacred Heart, All Saints Boonah, Mt Alford State and Aratula State.



In 2000 we had enough students to form 2 Combined Bands. One for the Ipswich Students consisting of St Joseph's, St Mary's and Sacred Heart students and a band that combined All Saints with Mt Alford and Aratula State Schools.
Both of these band played in the Festival of Music in 2000

By 2001 we were just able to form 4 Bands

The All Saints Band combined with Mt Alford

Sacred Heart Band 2001

Photo Gallery coming soon!
Stay tuned for more pics.